22-916 Hatchett Creek North
- County: Coosa
- Price: $
- Lot Size: 118 Acres
- Tract ID: #22-916
- Zoning: Timberland, Hunting Land, Waterfront
- Features:
Great Timberland Investment and Recreational Opportunity in Central Alabama
Eppes Property located in Coosa, Talladega, and Clay Counties
Offered by Sealed Bid – Bid Deadline 11/20/14 at 4:00pm
22-116 Hatchett Creek North Fee
This /- 118 acres is an outstanding property that is located approximately
6 miles west of the town Rockford and is just north of Hwy. 22 on Woodfin Road. The property
has 83 acres of 8 year old planted pines that look great and the rest of the property has nice hardwood along Beaver Creek. The small creek which has a pretty rock bottom is located on the
southeastern side of the property. There is also a large area of hardwoods that borders the pristine Hatchett Creek on the north side for over 1,000 feet The views along Hatchett Creek are spectacular. There are several interior roads providing good access and also access road along Hatchett Creek. This is a beautiful tract!
45 Tracts offered as Sealed Bid
- First time Tracts have been offered in Half Century
- Some tracts have frontage on desirable Hatchett Creek
- Investment Timberland
- Recreation and Hunting
- 6477 /- Acres
- Professionally Managed for Timber