22-114 Hatchett Creek Central
- County: Coosa
- Price: $
- Lot Size: 82 Acres
- Tract ID: #22-114
- Zoning: Timberland, Hunting Land, Waterfront
- Features:
Great Timberland Investment and Recreational Opportunity in Central Alabama
Eppes Property located in Coosa, Talladega, and Clay Counties
Offered by Sealed Bid – Bid Deadline 11/20/14 at 4:00pm
22-114 Hatchett Creek Central Fee
This /- 82 acre tract is located in Coosa County and is accessed from Woodfin
Road. The property has approximately 4,000 feet of frontage on beautiful Hatchett
Creek. The tract consists of 57 acres of 6 year old pine plantation and 20 acres of
majestic SMZ allowing some wonderful views of the creek. There is a good road
running through the tract to Hatchett Creek. There are a couple of food plots already
established. This tract is ready to hunt. while you watch the timber grow.
45 Tracts offered as Sealed Bid
- First time Tracts have been offered in Half Century
- Some tracts have frontage on desirable Hatchett Creek
- Investment Timberland
- Recreation and Hunting
- 6477 /- Acres
- Professionally Managed for Timber