- County: Coosa
- Price: $1,100,000
- Lot Size: 465 Acres
- Tract ID: #22-003
- Zoning: Hunting Land, Home site, timber
- Features: Creek, timber
* This property has been in the same family since the 1840’s * Beautiful stand of mature pine and hardwoods, combined with some pine plantation * Approximately 1 mile of frontage on Jack’s Creek * Jack’s Creek is an incredibly beautiful, pristine creek. The creek has numerous waterfalls, unique rock formations, and Red Eye Bass. This one-of-a-kind water feature reminds me of something that you would expect to see in hills of North Carolina. Please view the video of Jack’s Creek on our website. * This property was once home to a grist mill that was in operation until in burned down just prior to World War I. The property also had a thriving cotton gin on it until the late 20th century. The vestiges of these 19th century structures, as well as the stone dam and 1/4 mile flume providing water power for these operations are still visible on the property today. It is fascinating to sit in these mature woods waiting for a trophy buck or gobbler and imagine all of the activity that was going on here during the prime years of the cotton gin and grist mill. * There are several food plots scattered throughout the property. Numerous turkeys and whitetails live on this land along with small game animals. There are also many lake sites located on this tract. * Another attribute of this property is that it is located off of the beaten path. This is one of those rare places where you truly have peace and quiet. There is deeded access all the way to this tract and there are very good internal roads throughout the property. In summary, this is one of the most unique properties that I have ever seen. When you combine the excellent hunting , spectacular creek, and rich history, the results are a property that you truly must see.
22-003 Jack’s Creek Retreat Brochure