- County: Clay
- Price: $
- Lot Size: 245 Acres
- Tract ID: #17-901
- Zoning: Hunting Land, Timberland
- Features:
Great Timberland Investment and Recreational Opportunity in Central Alabama
Eppes Property located in Coosa, Talladega, and Clay Counties
Offered by Sealed Bid – Bid Deadline 11/20/14 at 4:00pm
17-101 Talledega Clay West Leased
This /- 245 acre tract is located in Clay and Talladega Counties and fronts on the west side of Horn Valley Road. Access to the tract is from Horn Valley Road. There is a beautiful creek running through the property and with several food plots already established this is a good hunting tract. The pine plantation on this tract along with no more than 20% (no mast producing trees will be cut) of the streamside management zone will be cut sometime before 2019; however, the new owner will be paid $20.00/acre/year until the timber is cut. There are approximately 45 acres of streamside management zones with timber that averages 35 years of age.
There are numerous home sites on Horn Valley Road.
45 Tracts offered as Sealed Bid
*First time Tracts have been offered in Half Century
*Some tracts have frontage on desirable Hatchett Creek
*Investment Timberland
*Recreation and Hunting
*Over 6477 /- Acres
*Professionally Managed for Timber